[*Overview on H2 in geosciences*]
- Truche, L., Donzé, F. V., Dusséaux, C., Lefeuvre, N., Brunet, F., Malvoisin, B. (2022). The quest for native hydrogen: new directions for exploration (À la recherché de l’hydrogène natif: de nouvelles orientations pour l’exploration). Géologues géosciences et société, 213, June 2022, 68-73.
[*Natural H2 production*]
- Truche, L., Donzé, Goskolli, E., Muceku, B., Loisy, C., Monnin, C., Dutoit, H., Cerepi., A. (2024). A deep reservoir for hydrogen drives intense degassing in the Bulqizë ophiolite. Science 383, 618-621 .
- Truche, L., Salvi, S., & Bourdelle, F. (2019, August). Hydrogen Generation during Peralkaline Granite Hydrothermal Alteration. In Goldschmidt Conference.
- Zhang, L., Nasika, C., Donzé, F. V., Zheng, X., Renard, F., & Scholtès, L. (2019). Modeling porosity evolution throughout reaction‐induced fracturing in rocks with implications for serpentinization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(6), 5708-5733.
[*Draining paths H2*]
- [Donzé, F. V., Bourdet, L., Truche, L., Dusséaux, C., & Huyghe, P. (2024). Modeling deep control pulsing flux of native H2 throughout tectonic fault-valve systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 58, 1443-1456].
- Donzé, F. V., Bourdet, L., Truche, L., Taillefer, A., Dutoit, H., Dusséaux, C., & Lefeuvre, N. (2022). Numerical modeling of natural hydrogen migration from deep sources within fault zones. Goldschmidt at Hawaï.
- Donzé, F. V., Tsopela, A., Guglielmi, Y., Henry, P., & Gout, C. (2020). Fluid migration in faulted shale rocks: channeling below active faulting threshold. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-15.
- Tsopela, A., Donzé, F. V., Guglielmi, Y., Castilla, R., & Gout, C. (2019). Hydromechanical reactivation of natural discontinuities: mesoscale experimental observations and DEM modeling. Acta Geotechnica, 14(5), 1585-1603.
[*H2 exploration*]
- Dusséaux, C., Pukha, V., Mokrushina, O., Kalashnikov, A., Dominique, J., Monnier. L., Salvi, S., Donzé, F.V., Truche, L., Nivin, V., Mikhailova, O. (2022). Exploring for natural hydrogen in peralkaline nepheline-syenite plutons: the Kola peninsula, NW Russia. Goldschmidt at Hawaï.
- Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Donzé, F.V., Gal, F., Tremosa, J., Fakoury, R.-A., Calassou, S. & Gaucher, E., (2022). Natural hydrogen migration along thrust faults in foothill basins: The North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust case study. Applied Geochemistry, 145, 105396.
- Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Donzé, F.V., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Fakoury, R.-A., Calassou, S. & Gaucher, E., (2021). Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(8).
- Donzé, F. V., Truche, L., Shekari Namin, P., Lefeuvre, N., & Bazarkina, E. F. (2020). Migration of natural hydrogen from deep-seated sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil. Geosciences, 10(9), 346.
- Shekari Namin P., Mapping H2-fluid migration in faulted zones at the European scale. Master report, ISTerre, Université Grenoble Alpes, September 2020.
- Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Donzé, F., Gaucher, E., & Calassou, S. (2019, December). Hydrogen (H2) targeting in orogenic belts and foreland basins: the Pyrenean belt (SW France) as a case study. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2019, pp. H51J-1615).